NFF Coastal Campaign
  April 30,2008


Machhimar Adhikar Rashtriya Abhiyan

Kutch – Kanyakumari – Kolkata

1st May – 27th June 2008





Time is running out. Alarm bells have already rung. Let us all join hands and say in one voice: SAVE THE COAST- SAVE THE FISHERS.




1.      Recognize Inalienable Traditional and Customary Rights of Fisherpeople over Coastal Lands and Waters.

2.      Implement CRZ Notification 1991 – Do not impose CZM Notification

3.      Protect our coasts:

·        No SEZs, No Nuclear Power Plants, No Polluting and Destructive Projects on our Coast

·        No Destruction of Mangroves and Other Coastal Environmental Features. No Intensive Aquaculture on our Coast

·        No Privatization of Common Aquatic Resources

4.      Enact National Legislation for Conservation of Coastal and Marine Biodiversity that inter alia protects Traditional Fisherpeoples’ Preferential Access and Historic Use Rights to Coastal and Marine Resources.

5.      Develop a Comprehensive Fisheries Legislation for the EEZ Waters

6.      Reform Marine Fishing Regulation Acts of States to Improve Fisheries Management and Develop Coordination Mechanism for Peaceful Inter-state Fishing

7.      Develop Regional Mechanism to Facilitate Reciprocal Access to Adjacent Maritime Waters of Neighbouring Countries. Fishworkers Should Not Be Made Victims of Maritime Boundary Disputes.

8.      Recognize and Uphold the Importance of Women’s Roles in Fisheries – Recognize Their Rights to Social Security, Land for Fish Processing and Marketing, Basic Amenities, Child Care, Credit and Transport Facilities.

9.      Waive All Debts of Poor Fisherpeople along with the farmers.

10.  Provide Sufficient Cheaper Fuel for Sustainable Fishing.

11.  Lift all Bans on Fishing by Traditional Small-scale Fisherpeople Using Sustainable Fishing Gear and Techniques

12.  Stop Import of Fish That Threatens the Livelihood of Coastal Fisherpeoples

13.  Stop Foreign Vessels From Fishing in Our Waters— Cancel LOPs

14.  Enact Unorganized Workers’ Social Security Bill

15.  Enact National and State Legislation to Extend the Benefits of the ILO Convention on Work in Fishing to all Fishworkers.


20/4 Sil Lane Kolkata – 700015.

Tel: 91-33-23283989.  Mobile: 91-9434039599; 91-9869115294.  

Abhiyan website:






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